Malin Parkegren (SWE)


In Traces, Malin Parkegren captures the surrounding landscape of the Shoalhaven River and the built structures of the Bundanon Art Museum. The subtle gradients juxtaposed with vertical slits, create holes that permeate the surface and body of the tapestry.

There are traces of the trees, of structural interventions, of what is as well as what is no longer there. All taking place under the constant change of light and shadow that plays across the undulating landscape.

Malin Parkegren is a recent graduate from Handarbetets Vänner (Friends of Handicraft), a school specialising in textile craft in Stockholm, Sweden. She previously has an M.Arch degree from Chalmers School of Technology.


Multiplicity (AUS)


Studio Orsi | Jamileh Jahangiri (AUS)